Other Systems conferences
Call for Papers: The 2010 ANZSYS Conference this year will be incorporated as a stream within ALARA's World Congress, to be held in Melbourne 6-9 September 2010. ALARA is the Action Learning and Action Research Association to which a number of ANZSYS colleagues are members.
For more details on the WCSA 7th World Conference on Governing Turbulence - Risk and Opportunities in the Complexity Age that will be held in Brazil in 2017 download the flyer here.
CALL FOR EVENTS - Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems Gdansk, Poland, 11-14 September, 201.The FedCSIS multi-conference consists of a significant number of recurring Events and it welcomes proposals for new Events until October 30, 2015. The Events can run over any span of time within the conference dates; from half-day to three days.
ISCE has created a survey for the Second Order Science event in Berlin (see http://secondorderscience.org) to help put the concepts into perspective. ISCE and ASC and IFSR encourage you to complete the survey and circulate the weblink
Conference proceedings of ISSS 2013 the 57th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences (ISSS) held in Hai Phong City, Vietnam are now available.
Been to a great systems conference? Write a review! Send photos! Reviews and photos of systems events will be published on the ANZSYS website.
The First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation will be held online from Canberra September 8-11, 2013. The conference is for researchers, educators and practitioners who use systems-based, action-oriented, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and trans-disciplinary approaches.
Keynote speakers and great international systems scholars who will also be at the conference include:
Prof George Richardson, the O’Leary Professor of Public Administration and Policy in the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy at the University at Albany, and, Prof Gerald Midgley, Professor of Systems Thinking at the University of Hull, UK.
Read more: CFP: Online system conference 'Research Integration and Implementation'
The ANZSYS systems workshop programme is now available on the ORSNZ web site for 10 Dec 2012 in Wellington:
The 57th World Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences
Curating the Conditions for a Thrivable Planet: Systemic Leverage Points for Emerging a Global Eco-Civilization
will be held in Hai Phong City, Viet Nam, July 14-19, 2013
The organisers warmly invite you to join themin a unique experience that will contribute significantly to making systems thinking more mainstream around the world.The 57th Annual ISSS World Conference will provide you with an opportunity to showcase advances in systemic sustainability initiatives from around the world with hands-on experience in the UNESCO Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve and at Hai Phong City, the first city in the world to be managed using an integral systems approach. Sponsored by:
Call for Papers: For Human Systems Inquiry (HSI) Special Integration Group (SIG) at ISSS 2012 conference 'Service Systems/Natural Systems in San Jose. Deadline March 1 2012.
ANZSYS'10 was held at the ALARA World Congress (Action Learning and Action Research Conference) in Melbourne, Australia on 6-9 September 2010.
The ANZSYS'08 conference was held at Edith Cowan University 1-2 December.
The conference was arranged by Bill Hutchinson and David Cook of the School of Computer and Information Science at ECU.
The conference proceedings title is:
Cook, D. (2008) Proceedings of the 14th ANZSYS Conference, Perth: School of Computer and Information Science, Edith Cowan University.
The proceedings and abstracts are published on CDROM and on the web HERE.
The CDROM is (c) 2008 Edith Cowan University, All rights reserved. ISBN 978-0-7298-0668-8
Downloads of the papers are available from www.anzsys.org.
Recommended citation style (APA 5th): Author, A. N. (2008). 'Paper title'. In Cook, D (ed). Proceedings of the 14th ANZSYS Conference. Perth: School of Computer and Information Science, Edith Cowan University [CDROM].
- Systems Thinking for Government Futures
- Systems Thinking and Security
- Systems Thinking and Design
- Systems Practice
- Systems Methodologies
- Systems Thinking and Action Research
- Systems Thinking/Sciences Education
- Systems Thinking in a Virtual World
- Systems Thinking and the Environment
See, http://maps.google.com.au/maps/mm?ie=UTF8&hl=en&oe=UTF8&ll=-31.93002,115.942154&spn=0.418416,0.617981&z=11
Conference Accommodation
We recommend the following accommodation options. These are discounted prices available if you inform the hotel that you are at a conference at ECU.Local
Hotel Northbridge (10 minute walk from Campus)Standard Queen Spa room with breakfast $140.00 per night
Superior Queen Spa room with breakfast $140.00 per night
King Deluxe Spa room with breakfast $150.00 per night
Penthouse with breakfast 1 Occupant $300.00 per night 2 Occupants $315.00 per night
210 Lake Street,
Northbridge WA 6003
08 9328 5254
All Seasons Perth ( 10 minute walk from Campus)
Standard Queen $144.00 per night
Standard Twin $144.00 per night
Superior Queen $174.00 per night
15 Robinson Avenue
Northbridge, WA 6003
08 9328 0000
Thank you for starting to register for ANZSYS'08.
If you had problems with the registration process, please contact Dr. Terence Love at
If you decided to register later, we look forward to seeing you soon!
ANZSYS'08 is offering a reduced registration price of $380 Australian dollars for bona-fide full time higher education students.
First please register on the website at http://scissec.scis.ecu.edu.au/anzsys08/registration.php
To apply for the student registration price, please send evidence of current full time student enrollment.
Suitable evidence is an email from a university administrator confirming your enrolment sent to Dr Terence Love at
Alternatively, send a fax of a letter confirming enrolment or copy of your current full time student card to +61 (0)8 9305 7629
You will be sent an email with request for credit card payment.
Early-bird reduced registration for ANZSYS 2008 is available until the cut-off date.
First please register on the website at http://scissec.scis.ecu.edu.au/anzsys08/registration.php before paying below.
The reduced price of early-bird registration is $650 Australian dollars.
Full price registration is $800 Australian dollars.
To pay for registration, use the PayPal button below to pay by credit card (this does not require joining PayPal) or by PayPal
ANZSYS 2008 the 14th ANZSYS international conference was held in beautiful Perth in Western Australia 1 -2 December 2008. 35 refereed papers were presented. These are found in the proceedings which are published on CDROM and online.
The conference dinner was held at the BoatShed Restaurant overlooking the beautiful Swan River on the Monday evening.
The conference was held at Edith Cowan University (ECU), Mount Lawley with Conference Chairs from ECU (A. Prof Trudi Cooper and Prof. Bill Hutchinson) and Curtin University of Technology (Dr. Terence Love) and administered by David Cook of SECAU at ECU with a variety of helpful and skilled ECU support staff.
Call for Papers Announcement
You are invited to present a paper at the 14th Australia and New Zealand Systems conference, ANZSYS 2008.
Papers will be considered from all facets of systems thinking as with all previous ANZSYS conferences. Papers are invited from both academics and practitioners.
Systems Thinking for Government Futures
Systems Thinking and Security
Systems Thinking and Design
Systems Practice
Systems Methodologies
Systems Thinking and Action Research
Systems Thinking/Sciences Education
Systems Thinking in a Virtual World
Systems Thinking and the Environment
Suggestions for other streams, seminars and activities are welcome.