Call for Papers: The 2010 ANZSYS Conference this year will be incorporated as a stream within ALARA's World Congress, to be held in Melbourne 6-9 September 2010.  ALARA is the Action Learning and Action Research Association to which a number of ANZSYS colleagues are members.

There is a brochure and details of the Congress at  Note that daily rates are available for those who can't attend the whole four days.

 The Systems stream will be chaired by Professor Danny Burns, from SOLAR in the UK. Danny has published a book on systems and action research titled 'Systemic Action Research: A strategy for whole system change' and you can find out more about him at

The ANZSYS systems and action research cohort in Melbourne (Tim Haslett, John Barton, Ray Ison, Susanne Tepe, and colleagues) will work with him to develop the format and program for the stream. 

The Melbourne cohort are quite keen to discuss the long-term sustainability of ANZSYS as part of day 3. If any of you have any suggestions about the program, particularly day 3, please forward them to me or post them on the blog. If you want to participate in the blog discussion, let me know and I will forward you the log-in instructions. The ALARA website also contains further information and the link to the stream blog is

The program is likely to be quite flexible, and a call for abstracts is current. Abstracts can be submitted for refereed and non-refereed papers, posters, workshops and catalyst papers.  Abstracts are due on 31 May 2010.  If you need longer to submit and abstract, can you let me know.

The first day will focus on where we have come from, the second day on the present research, the third will be stream specific, and the fourth will focus on the future.  However, the congress will split into stream presentations / workshops  on each day of the program.  The program may vary slightly is will be a little dependent on the number of items for each of these days.

Please circulate this to other colleagues who you think may be interested.

If you have any questions, give me a call or send an email.


Dr John Molineux CAHRI

PhD, M.Mgt., Grad.Dip.Mgt., B.Bus.
ALARA World Congress Organising Committee
Ph: +61 3 925 17290  Mobile: 0457 198 331
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