A Compendium of Managing Complex Systems
This picture is used by a Complexity advocate to conjecture that complex systems cannot be managed. This is not correct, as many of the claims made by self-proclaimed complexity experts. I've seen this scene of flocking birds first hand. It is mesmerizing to watch.Turns out these birds can be modeled with Boids, Flock Simulation of Birds, The Convergence of Bird Flocking, Flocking algorithm for autonomous flying robots, and numerous others.
Glen Alleman - see https://herdingcats.typepad.com/my_weblog/2020/03/a-compendium-of-managing-compelx-systyems.html
Applying Systems Thinking to Managing Projects: A Viable Governance Model based on Stafford Beer’s Work
Prof. Shankar Shankaran
Online presentation and discussion
Wednesday 10th February 19:00 AEST
Zoom presentation - https://utsmeet.zoom.us/j/84018555928
New ebook: From Modularity to Emergence - Short Review
Dr Chih-Chun Chen and Dr Nathan Crilly of the Cambridge University Engineering Design Centre Design Practice Group have released a free, downloadable book, From Modularity to Emergence: A Primer on the Design and Science of Complex Systems.
Read more: New ebook: From Modularity to Emergence - Short Review
Video: Keith Grint on Wicked Problems & Leadership
Here is Professor Keith Grint on Wicked Problems and Leadership
New book: 'Small Arcs of Larger Circles; by Nora Bateson
In her new book 'Small Arcs of Larger Circles', Nora Bateson invites us to weave together the rigor of systems thinking and complexity thinking with the expansiveness of our embodied, aesthetic experience - and introduces us to a new language and vocabulary of contextual, mutual learning.
Read more: New book: 'Small Arcs of Larger Circles; by Nora Bateson
Systems Resources from IIED
IIED is a policy and action research organisation in sustainable development. Based in London IIEDworks in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and the Pacific with some of the world’s most vulnerable people to strengthen their voice in decision-making arenas that affect them.
MITs Free Software for Planning Large Cities of the Future
MIT has just released its open source Urban Network Analysis software for analysing interdependent aspects of urban development at city level.
Read more: MITs Free Software for Planning Large Cities of the Future
Resources: Systemic Thinking for Planners and Designers
Gary Metcalf a visiting member of faculty at Aalto university in Finland has collated a useful list of Systems liiterature resources under broad topic headings.
Read more: Resources: Systemic Thinking for Planners and Designers
Co-creation without systems thinking can be dangerous
Gerald Midgely asks 'Why does the theory and practice of co-creation need to be informed by systems thinking?' Co-creation without a thorough understanding of systems thinking can be deeply problematic. Essentially, we need a theory and practice of systemic co-creation.
To read in full this interesting blog article by Gerald at www.i2insights.org go to here.
Soft systems methodology cartoon
Here is soft systems methodology via cartoon:
WCSA 2017 in Brazil more details
For more details on the WCSA 7th World Conference on Governing Turbulence - Risk and Opportunities in the Complexity Age that will be held in Brazil in 2017 download the flyer here.
- Peter Checkland on the origins of SSM
- SSM - Rich Pictures in Evaluation
- New Book! A Guide to Systems Research
- Stafford Beer VSM origins (video)
- Call for abstracts ISSS 2016 India and USA
- New Book Think Crime!
- Systems Map of Obesity Factors
- Bio: Alvaro J. Romera
- System Thinking World Webinars
- System Dynamics of Tourism Ningaloo
- Systems Thinking - Linked-In Group
- Book: Differences by Ackoff
- IFSR Conversation
- Book - Strategic Foresight
- Webinar: Systems Philosophy and its Relevance to SE
- ISCE survey