Masters: Systems Thinking at Open University
New Masters Program in "Systems Thinking in Practice" now underway at the Open University (UK)
Work of John Bowlby
The International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) was commissioned to produce a report on the work of John Bowlby of Stanford and the Tavistock Institute. The report is available here.
System Dynamics assistance?
Looking for help with System Dynamics in general or Vensim? There are two forums recommended by Bob Eberlein.
Systems Books
A new addition to the website is a listing of systems books via 'Publications on the menu on the left.
Please feel free to add more books or email me the details of any that you feel are useful for people to know about (
Best wishes,
Systems Thinking eBook
Systems Thinking and Associated Methodologies by Prof Bill Hutchinson is now available as a pdf eBook from Praxis Education ($4.99) from