Soft Systems - Dr John Mackness
Video of Dr John Mackness discussing Soft Systems Methodology. John is a colleague of Peter Checkland
Complex Systems Society
The Complex Systems Society promotes complex systems research, advises on complex systems education, and the relationships between complex systems and society by linking complex systems scientists of different countries. CSS also contains the Complex Systems Registry.
Insight Maker Free Online Software
Insight Maker is a free online systems modelling software. The online software provides a variety of systems modelling tools and is particularly strong in Systems Dynamics and Agent-based modelling. The website also contains many useful sample models and simulations. The cost is your model/simulation is available to Insight Maker.
System Dynamics and Strategy
Book - complex systems & human evolution
New systems book 'Gonna Lay Down My Sword and Shield: A Complexity Perspective on Human Evolution from a Violent Past to a Compassionate Future' by Victor R. D. MacGill. Comment by Alexander Lazlo, President ISSS 'MacGill provides an accessible entrée for the thinking and caring person wishing to make sense of an increasingly complex and apparently chaotic world.'
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Been to a great systems conference? Write a review! Send photos! Reviews and photos of systems events will be published on the ANZSYS website.
Free eBook 'Disciplining Interdisciplinarity'
New book Disciplining Interdisciplinarity: Integration and Implementation Sciences for Researching Complex Real-World Problems by Prof Gabrielle Bammer and published by ANU E-Press and is now available free online at
Ackoff's 'The Cake'
New book: Ackoff's F/laws: The Cake by Russell L. Ackoff (with Herbert J. Addison). Russ Ackoff’s witty and subversive 122 F/laws of Management are widely respected and cover areas like hierarchy, teams, innovation, motivation and management. This book brings them together in a single source.
Growing Wings on the Way: Systems Thinking for Messy Situations
New systems book by Rosalind Armson 'Growing Wings on the Way: Systems Thinking for Messy Situations'. With some problems it’s hard to know where to start – we can’t define them, we get in a muddle thinking about them, we may try to ignore some aspect/s of them and – when we finally do something – they usually get worse. Rosalind Armson is one of the world’s foremost teachers and practitioners of Systems Thinking, and her remarkable book explains how these messes happen and what to do about them.
This book is about dealing with messes. Sometimes known as 'wicked problems', messes (or messy situations) are fairly easy to spot:
Read more: Growing Wings on the Way: Systems Thinking for Messy Situations
For those interested in geo-political systems analysis, Stratfor is offering a range of information services, including their free Intelligence Reports.Masters: Systems Thinking at Open University
New Masters Program in "Systems Thinking in Practice" now underway at the Open University (UK)
Work of John Bowlby
The International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) was commissioned to produce a report on the work of John Bowlby of Stanford and the Tavistock Institute. The report is available here.
System Dynamics assistance?
Looking for help with System Dynamics in general or Vensim? There are two forums recommended by Bob Eberlein.
Systems Books
A new addition to the website is a listing of systems books via 'Publications on the menu on the left.
Please feel free to add more books or email me the details of any that you feel are useful for people to know about (
Best wishes,
Systems Thinking eBook
Systems Thinking and Associated Methodologies by Prof Bill Hutchinson is now available as a pdf eBook from Praxis Education ($4.99) from